About Us
The content on GoFairGrove.com and on it’s related social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & YouTube) is created by Nathanael & Christa Padgett for the benefit of the Fair Grove community. Nathanael & Christa have lived in the Fair Grove R-X School District since 2007. Their oldest child played basketball & soccer during his high school years and graduated in 2021. They currently have two daughters still in high school who participate in basketball & track, along with two littles (4yr old & 1yr old).

Photo Usage
You may use any photos from our website, in whole (no cropping), so long as you give attribution to “GoFairGrove.com”. Examples of attribution text may include, “Photo compliments of GoFairGrove.com” or “Photographer: GoFairGrove.com”. Fair Grove athletic coaches and staff may request high-quality photographs for use in the yearbook, newspaper, online, social media, or presentation purposes by emailing us at info@gofairgrove.com or contacting Nathanael or Christa via Facebook messenger. Photographs freely available on our website and social media channels may NOT be used for commercial purposes without prior authorization from GoFairGrove.
Season Pass holders may use the non-watermarked photos provided to them in any way they choose. GoFairGrove still maintains the copyrights to the photos however.
Students & Athletes: Please refrain from purposefully using our freely available photos in social media posts while cutting off our watermark (GoFairGrove.com) and without giving attribution. We do encourage you to share any social media posts we create with others.
Photo Removal Request
While we try our best to cull through photos before we post them, sometimes a photo may slip through our editorial process that is unflattering or is blurry beyond all recognition. We strive to provide quality content, but there are times that a photo may need to be taken offline. If you notice a photo that needs removed, send your removal request to us via email: info@gofairgrove.com. Include the following when sending in your removal request: The URL address where the photo appears. A description of the photo (ex: boy/girl, clothing description, etc). Approximate location of the photo (ex: seventh row, third photo). Your reason for requesting the photo be removed. A screenshot of it may also help.
Notice of Non-Affiliation and Disclaimer
While we may post a lot of Fair Grove school news, media & information, we are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with the Fair Grove R-X School District. The official Fair Grove R-X School District website can be found at https://www.fairgroveschools.net.
GoFairGrove is owned and operated by 417 Solutions, LLC.